Ocean of Sound

  • Stretched Music

    A few years ago, I stumbled upon the fascinating world of stretched music on YouTube. The platform serves up a constant variety of tracks from artists and creators. My favorite of these tracks has been Brian Eno, Laraaji – Ambient 3 : Meditations Stretched by user Tato Schab. I couldn’t tell you how many times I have listened to this version of the album, but it’s a lot. The ethereal nature of this slowed-down work, the otherworldliness, takes me to a fantastic place.

    Inspired, I have been ‘stretching’ a few of my own tracks. The first track below was created for a work in Mirror: New Views On Photography at the State Library of Victoria 2024, the second track the slowed-down stretched version, to me also has an excellent otherworldly, ethereal quality. There often feels like a sweet spot between speed and the flow of sounds, where different speeds seem to work well for certain songs. I’m keen to explore further.



  • Welcome

    Welcome to Ocean of Sound. A new space where I can share some recent thoughts, experiments, and reflections on all things music and sound!

    The name ‘Ocean of Sound’ is taken from the title of David Toop’s excellent book and music compilation. It’s a lovely concept and an amazing work that charts the vast and varied world of sound, from ambient music to field recordings and everything in between. I highly recommend it. 

    I’m excited to use this space to delve deeper into the sounds that move me, the techniques I’m exploring, and the projects I’m working on. So stay tuned for more updates, and feel free to get in touch.
