A few years ago, I stumbled upon the fascinating world of stretched music on YouTube. The platform serves up a constant variety of tracks from artists and creators. My favorite of these tracks has been Brian Eno, Laraaji – Ambient 3 : Meditations Stretched by user Tato Schab. I couldn’t tell you how many times I have listened to this version of the album, but it’s a lot. The ethereal nature of this slowed-down work, the otherworldliness, takes me to a fantastic place.
Inspired, I have been ‘stretching’ a few of my own tracks. The first track below was created for a work in Mirror: New Views On Photography at the State Library of Victoria 2024, the second track the slowed-down stretched version, to me also has an excellent otherworldly, ethereal quality. There often feels like a sweet spot between speed and the flow of sounds, where different speeds seem to work well for certain songs. I’m keen to explore further.